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Whatever the project, Greenheart pays attention to quality, particularly engineering quality.  Mike has acted as an advisor to the insurance industry for over thirty years and has fought a number of cases involving plant failures, and one of Sue’s litigation cases involved a successful claim against a multi-national for contaminated fuel oil, which caused damage to a major power plant in Latin America.  .

The team has redeployed high quality used plant in a number of locations around the world with huge economic benefits to the plant owners and has bought brand new cancelled order plant at almost one third of the OEM list price with full OEM warranties again delivering huge economic benefits to the plant owner.

Following the latest trend towards small distributed plant working in conjunction with renewable technology, our special relationship with Rolls Royce, and MTU, together with ABB allows us to source ABB and Rolls Royce branded equipment, which comes with a great expectation of high quality and to maintain our relationships with these highly esteemed firms, we force ourselves to perform at the very highest level. Owing to these partnerships, we are not short of technology supply opportunity; our challenge lies in finding and matching the funds to do all the work that needs to be done in Africa to get people the power needed to kick start and sustain economic development and social uplift.

Greenheart aims to deliver affordable power and targets less than 10 US cent kilowatt hour as a maximum for off grid power; which is well within the affordability band for much of Africa.  We are willing to promote opportunity for new power in the region if appropriate by looking at cost effective solutions using less environmentally friendly fuel oil to provide backbone power but mitigating the environmentally less positive effects by using solar PV as much as possible and triggering the switch on of the thermal power as the fill-in when solar generated electricity cannot be made or stored.  High efficiency engines requiring less fuel are also considered and the effects of adopting different technologies can be modelled and risk assessments carried out for any project under consideration because Greenheart is able to offer objective and independent assessment. 

© 2022 Greenheart Energy Ltd.

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